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Site Leader Spotlight: Jill Rosztoczy

Jill Rosztoczy is a Site Leader for Read Better Be Better at Michael Anderson Elementary School. We got a chance to see how her time at RBBB has gone so far! Before becoming a site leader, Jill was a former 6th grade teacher. Coming into the program, Jill says that she loved the idea of 8th graders working one-on-one with 3rd graders as mentors. During her time teaching sixth graders, she had seen positive effects of a simple buddy program and so she was confident of the potential for impact with the introduction of a structured curriculum to that model. She says, “The results are tangible as you walk around the classroom.”

Jill says her most satisfying aspect of working as a site leader has been fostering the love of reading in children. Jill’s greatest success story so far as a site leader has been seeing the confidence level rise in shy 3rd graders. She would recommend others to work with RBBB because it is so rewarding to work with children and see the week to week improvement and the curriculum is very well developed that it requires no additional lesson planning. Outside of RBBB programming, Jill enjoys participating in yoga, running, traveling, cooking, volunteering with other organizations, and of course reading. We want to thank her for all the work that she has done with RBBB, in our efforts to help children master literary skills!

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