Independent Evaluation Results

Valley of the Sun United Way generously offered Read Better Be Better the unique opportunity to work with First Eval ( to produce an independent evaluation of our program data from Fall 2015. Here is a short summary of the findings:

“The RBBB program has notable effects on its participants’ literacy skills. For 3rd grade participants, or “Littles,” program participation has strong effects on their perception of themselves as readers. Most importantly, 3rd grade participants show significant improvement in reading according to the Dibels DAZE, Dibels ORF, and AIMSweb. For 8th grade tutor participants, or “Bigs,” program participation has significant effects on their own literacy skills as evidenced by the Galileo assessment, and strong effects on their feelings of social and personal responsibility.”

What this all means is … that RBBB is doing exactly what it is designed to do – “helping children improve literacy skills and become better learners”. The RBBB team gave themselves a very well-deserved pat on the back before quickly moving on to the next challenge … let’s get this program out to more kids in Arizona!

The full report will soon be available on our website with some exciting interactive data graphics. If you have specific questions about the evaluation process or findings, please

contact Sophie at

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